Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Assignment 3-Proposal

For this series I will aim for five to seven images for a final product.  I feel that it will benefit me to at least photograph 10 to 15 scenarios to know what is working and what I can rule out.  These images will be taken digitally for ease of using a self timer and sense of immediacy.  The final images will be printed around 7 x 10.  This way the images won't be overpowering but rather provide an intimate experience for the audience to view them at a closer proximity.  These images will portray myself within my "natural" environments (i.e. home, work, school, etc...) as I begin to blur the boundaries between environment and identity.  The series works in part as a commentary on "you are what you own".  The voyeuristic quality of the viewer is also played with by denying them to see the figure in their entirety.  This work is influenced by Hans-Peter Feldmann who works with a the idea of being voyeur to an environment captured by the camera.  These images will be handled with care and eliminate any unnecessary information.  However, they will take on a humorous quality through a deadpan aesthetic and the inevitability of these images resulting in failure.

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